The John Dowland collection / John Dowland


John Dowland

Edité par Universal Music - 2007

  • Lachrimae antiquae
  • If my complaints could passions move
  • Can she excuse my wrongs
  • Come away, come sweet love
  • My lady Hunsdon's allmande
  • A piece without title
  • The shoemaker's wife
  • Lachrimae antiquae novae
  • Come again : sweet love doth now invite
  • Come heavy sleep
  • Mr Dowland's midnight
  • Sir John Smit, his almain
  • Semper Dowland, semper dolens
  • I saw my lady weep
  • Flow my tears
  • Fine Knacks for ladies
  • Shall I sue
  • Lachrimae tristes
  • Me, me and none but me
  • Forlorn hope fancy
  • Weep you no more, sad fountains
  • Lachrimae coactae
  • Go nightly cares
  • The right honourable Ferdinando
  • The most sacred Queen Elizabeth, her Galliard
  • Tell me true love
  • Lachrimae amantis
  • In darkness let me dwell
  • A fantasia
  • My lord Chamberlain his Galliard
  • Far from triumphing court
  • I shame at mine unworthiness
  • Lachrimae verae
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Livre - 2012 - Expressions animalières / Brigitte Bulard-Cordeau

3963890059 | Livre | 440 BUL | Contacter la bibliothèque


Du même auteur

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