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Cinema of Martin Scorsese (The) / Martin Scorsese, réal.
Edité par Decca Records - 2015
Ce coffret propose une écoute chronologique des musiques scorsesiennes, entre compositions originales, standards rock, pop ou jazz, ouvrages baroques ou contemporains.
Main title (Taxi driver). Sport and Iris (Taxi driver). The 20 dollars bill/Target practice (Taxi driver). A reluctant hero/Betsy/End credits (Taxi driver). Blue moon (New Yorkn New York). The man I love (New Yorkn New York). Just you, just me (New Yorkn New York). Bobby's dream (New Yorkn New York). Theme from New York, New York (New Yorkn New York). Cavalleria rusticana, intermezzo (Raging bull). Big noise from Winnetka (Raging Bull). Frenesi. Come rain or come shine (King of comedy = La valse des pantins). Sweet sixteen bars (King of comedy = La valse des pantins). Symphonie, K.95, ré majeur (After hours). 9 PM (After hours). Suite pour orchestre N3, BWV.3, ré majeur (After hours). The main title (The color of money = La couleur de l'argent). Modern blues (The color of money = La couleur de l'argent). The feeling begins (The last temptation of Christ = La dernière temptation du Christ). Of these, hope (The last temptation of Christ = La dernière tentation du Christ). Zaar (The last temptation of Christ = La dernière tentation du Christ). With this love (Choir) (The last temptation of Christ = La dernière tentation du Christ). Rags to Riches (Goodfellas = Les affranchis). Baby I love you (Goodfellas = Les affranchis). Layla (Goodfellas = Les affranchis). Beyond the sea (Goodfellas = Les affranchis). Max (Cape fear = Les nerfs à vif). Houseboat (Cape fear = Les nerfs à vif). The end (Cape fear = Les nerfs à vif). Pick up Ellen (The age of innocence = Le temps de l'innocence). Farewell dinner (The age of innocence = Le temps de l'innocence). Van der Luydens (The age of innocence = Le temps de l'innocence). End credits (The age of innocence = Le temps de l'innocence). I'll take you there (Casino). Camille (Le mépris) (Casino). Night in white satin (Casino). Walk on the wild side (Casino). La passion selon saint Matthieu, BWV.244 (Casino). Sand Mandala (Kundun). Reting's eyes (Kundun). Thirteen Dalaï Lama (Kundun). Escape to India (Kundun). Bell boy (Bringing out the dead = A tombeau ouvert). Introduction/Rose appears again (Bringing out the dead = A tombeau ouvert). Nowhere to run (Bringing out the dead = A tombeau ouvert). Returning Mrs Burke/Rose die in the snow/Rose faces (Bringing out the dead = A tombeau ouvert). Closing titles (Bringing out the dead = A tombeau ouvert).
The hands that built America (Gangs of New York). Brooklyn heights (Gangs of New York). Dionysus (Gangs of New York). HI racer plane (The aviator). Moonglow (The aviator). America aviation hero (The aviator). The screening room (The aviator). I can't give you anything but love (The aviator). Icarus (The aviator). Cops or criminals (The departed = Les infiltrés). Billy's theme (The departed = Les infiltrés). The last rites (The departed = Les infiltrés). The departed tango (The departed = Les infiltrés). Symphonie N3 (Passacaglia-Allegro-Moderato) (Shutter island). This bitter earth/On the nature of daylight (Shutter island). The thief (Hugo Cabret). The chase (Hugo Cabret). Coeur volant (Hugo Cabret). Mercy, mercy, mercy (The wolf of Wall Street = Le loup de Wall Street). C'est si bon (The wolf of Wall Street = Le loup de Wall Street). Moonlight in Vermont (The wolf of Wall Street = Le loup de Wall Street). Diary of a taxi driver (Taxi driver). Made in Milan (Made in Milan). Doctor (Gangs of New York). Battle (Gangs of New York). The Marty suite.
- Langue
- non applicable, pas de contenu linguistique
- Description physique
- 4 CD. 1 livret
- Date de publication
- 2015
- Contributeurs
- Franklin, Aretha. 800
- Charles, Ray. 811
- Darin, Bobby. 800
- Reinhardt, Django (1910-1953). Compositeur
- Washington, Dinah. 800
- Zaz (1980-....). 940
- Cannonball Adderley. 886
- Kitt, Eartha. 800
- Jamal, Ahmad (1930-....). 811
- Place, Mary Kay. Interprète. Int
- Moody Blues (The). 940
- U2. 940
- Staples Singers (The). 940
- Cotes
- 520 SCO
- Numéro du document
- 0600753638903 ; 600753638903