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Rough guide to the roots of the blues (The) / Kansas Joe
Edité par World Music Network - 2020
- Contient
- When the levee breaks
- Kokomo blues
- Stack O'Lee blues
- West coast blues
- Fishing blues
- Stealin', stealin'
- T.B. Blues
- See that my grave is kept clean
- Cow cow blues
- Mother's children have a hard time
- Brown skin blues
- Devil and my brown blues
- Got the blues, can't be satisfied
- Rolll and tumble blues
- Pinetop's boogie woogie
- Section gang blues
- Statesboro blues
- The dirty dozen
- Screamin' and hollerin' the blues
- Blue yodel N°1 (T for Texas)
- St Louis blues
- All I want is a spoonful
- Bottleneck blues
- It's tight like that N°2
- Canned heat blues
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