Folk & proudHowever many takes it takes / VandaveerOn my way / CocoonI just feel like a child / Devendra BanhartTropical Island / Adam GreenBad actor / CalcGo ahead / Rilo KileyKnock yourself out / Jon BrionShades of time / Girls in HawaiiWhistle / Brisa RochéDogs / Troy von BalthazarGreek song / Rufus WainwrightMadonna / JudeSongs for the angels / Great Lake SwimmersHeartbeats / José GonzalezJimmy / MoriartyHole in the middle / Emily Jane WhiteHeadhome / MidlakeIn the end / Luke TempleThe pirate's gospel / Alela DianeA nervous tic motion of the head to the left / Andrew BirdNeurotic hope / Cyann & BenPiazza NY catcher / Belle and SebastianDrifters in the wood / Marie ModianoJorge regula / The Moldy PeachesThe rules / SoloUp the river / Laura VeirsColors of the world / The Innocence Mission


Vandaveer | Devendra Banhart | Adam Green | Jon Brion | Brisa Roché | Troy von Balthazar | Rufus Wainwright | Jude | José Gonzalez | Emily Jane White | Luke Temple | Alela Diane | Andrew Bird | Marie Modiano | Laura Veirs | Cocoon | Calc | Rilo Kiley | Girls in Hawaii | Great Lake Swimmers | Moriarty | Midlake | Cyann & Ben | Belle and Sebastian | The Moldy Peaches | Solo | The Innocence Mission

Edité par Naïve - 2008

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2 disques compacts. 1 doc.
Date de publication
  • 2 ANT 60 fol
1 exemplaire

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CD - 2007 - Broadway : les plus grandes comédies musicalesFollies / Stephen SondheimKiss me, Kate. Can-can / Cole PorterCarousel / Richard RogersFunny girl / Jules StyneAnnie get your gun / Irving Berlin

3642500059 | CD | 511 BRO | Demande de réservation


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